Foto von Braunschweig Internetagentur

Data management

We process your data pools

Digitization and new challenges regarding visual, content and technical issues often require different data formats or styles. Our experienced experts of all units also revise gigantic amounts of data for you and adapt them to your current requirements.

It does not matter whether a large amount of text and images needs to be optimized, reformatted, converted into vectors or retouched for a new system: The well-coordinated team of graphic designers, copywriters, editors and animation experts from our brand and advertising agency work together efficiently to offer you the best possible service. On schedule, with a sound knowledge of the right tools and the technical requirements of our digital world.

In this way, we have already successfully vectorized thousands of logos, colored hundreds of graphics, and reformatted extensive text pools.

Icon fuer Leistungen
Image editing

Get the most out of your images with the right editing. Our experienced experts also optimize large data pools with great attention to detail, both technically and visually, given our proficiency from many years of experience and a wide range of projects.

Do you need an individual offer?

We are looking forward to taking care of your request.

„New trends and new technical developments constantly create new challenges for e.g. image data in terms of file size, format, design, contrast, brightness and much more.“

Sandra Sosniok | Graphic Designer
Unit PierraaDesign